Conservative Economics Culture Education Family Financialization Globalization Industry Labor Tech Understanding America

Tell the (Ugly) Truth
Unifying the nation demands an honest assessment of what ails it, today as in 1980
Conservatives Need a Health Care Agenda
Quality over quantity ought to be the bedrock of it
Immigration Restriction is the Catholic Position
Permissive policies only abet the tragedy of mass migration
Why Apple’s Privacy Track Record Hurts Google’s Case
The company’s data privacy claims clash with their Big Tech alliance
In Praise of Ralph Lauren, Everyman Ambassador of American Style
A legacy of unique Americana in an age of sweatpants and sneakers
Rewiring the American Dream
Training the tradesmen we need starts with understanding why these careers are so worthwhile
The Deep State Loves Free Trade
Powerful global interests built the system we see today
O Canada! Time to Talk Tariffs
When flipping the global gameboard, don’t lose the pieces
A Family-First Technology Policy
Conservatives leaders chart a new course on tech
There’s No ‘American-Owned TikTok’
A U.S. buyer won’t neutralize the app’s national security threat