We accept outside submissions for consideration.
We look for thoughtfully argued pieces between 800-1,200 words on a specific issue connected to the future of conservatism. These submissions should be exclusive to Commonplace. We prefer completed drafts as submissions, but if you’d like to submit a paragraph-long pitch for consideration, you can also send these our way. All submissions should be submitted below or via email to [email protected].
On substance, we look for pieces that make a unique, compelling argument about a political or social issue that our readers care about. Topics need not be ripped from the headlines or address a subject where we’ve published before, but they should be broadly relevant and interesting to a lay audience.
While we will try to respond to every submission, if you haven’t heard back from us within five business days, please feel free to pitch the piece elsewhere.
Please review our archives to get an idea of the types of pieces we look for.